Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Children's Kindle book with Affirmations

***EVERY CHILD HAS A SONG IN THEIR HEART***. You, as a parent give them that song. It could be about success and happiness or about pain and struggles.Use happy affirmations to boost your child's confidence."Positive Affirmations for Children. The most important gift we can ever give our children is how to use the power of the spoken word" Dr Anne Marie Evers

This book helps your child affirm happiness and encourages happy thoughts and feelings every time it is read.It is a mood changer.Teach your children to clear their minds of worry and think happy, positive thoughts before going to school or any time during the day. It helps your child to affirm happiness, not because of toys and things that can be seen and touched but because of smiles,laughter, kindness, family, friendships and more. 

(The Happy Kids Book can also be enjoyed in FULL COLOR on devices such as iPad and iPhone,tablets and also your home PC or Mac, by downloading the free Kindle software from Amazon on the RIGHT HAND SIDE of this page.)

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Kindle children's book - Forgive Me Please

To Forgive or not to Forgive

After Ken is hurt by his friend Jack, he is now faced with two choices:to forgive or not to forgive.Kids struggle with the pain of betrayal,bullying,lies,loss of a friend and other difficult issues and very often resort to anger for protection.

"If a child can learn forgiveness at a young age, they will be more likely to live a life full of healthy relationships."

Learning to forgive is an ongoing lesson for children and adults, but teaching children while they are young that forgiveness is important will set them on the right path.

Forgiveness is an action not a feeling and it is something that 
children and adults will do more than once in our lifetime. We will have to forgive big offenses and small offenses, family, strangers and friends.. 
Children need to know the consequences of choosing not to forgive someone. They need to be made aware of the damage their unforgiveness can do not only to their relationship with their offender, but also to themselves and family. 
As we hold on to anger and hurt, those heavy emotions make it difficult for us to live healthy and happy lives. Parents have the unique opportunity to lead by example and be able to tell your children that not forgiving others is bad for them. 
Show your child how wonderful forgiving another can be through your example. Show your children how when you forgive, it can mend hurts and heal relationships 
This book is a great way to help parents and children talk about the healing power of forgiveness and the damage that anger can cause. 

Kindle Children's books Greedy Jack

Quick! Nip that greediness in the bud

There are everywhere clothes ,toys, phones, gadgets, DVD,S all sorts of things that kids want. Sometimes they get greedy.

Instead of being appreciative of what they have, they want more and more and more. Kids' greedy never satisfied attitude can make you spend a lot of money, but something even more dangerous can happen: greediness hurts friendships and families and if not addressed can hurt your child as well.. 
Raising kids in greedy world doesn't help either. There's big pressure to have everything that their friends have and to get the latest of everything, just like Jack. 
This book is a good start for parents to teach your child the importance of good friendships and how greed and jealousy can ruin it all